Microcrystalline Cellulose In Oral Dosage Forms
Cellulose and its derivatives are important pharmaceutical excipients. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) is used mainly in the formulation of oral dosage forms, in particular tablets. Lubricant, adsorption, antiadhesive, spheronization-enhancing and compression properties of MCC are very useful also in pelletization techniques. Various types of MCC such as Avicel PH 101, Ceolus KG 801, Avicel RC 581, RC 591 and CL 611 were studied in the preparation of pellets by the extrusion spheronization method. Process conditions were evaluated and properties of pellets, such as size, its distribution, shape, density, porosity, hardness, friability, repose angle, drug content and dissolution profiles were determined. Experimental results confirmed excellent properties of all MCC types studied in binary mixtures with theophylline as a model drug. MCC containing carmellose sodium together with other soluble substances was also used in the pellet formulation.Stahování
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Rabišková, M., Häring, A., Minczingerová, K., Havlásek, M., & Musilová, P. (2007). Microcrystalline Cellulose In Oral Dosage Forms. Chemické Listy, 101(1). Získáno z http://ww.w.chemicke-listy.cz/ojs3/index.php/chemicke-listy/article/view/1866