Vliv chloridu rtuťnatého na produkci kumarinů v suspenzní kultuře Angelica archangelica L.


  • Tomáš Siatka Katedra farmakognosie, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové, Universita Karlova v Praze, Hradec Králové
  • Hana Sklenářová Katedra analytické chemie, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové, Universita Karlova v Praze, Hradec Králové
  • Marie Kašparová Katedra farmakognosie, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové, Universita Karlova v Praze, Hradec Králové
  • Petr Solich Katedra analytické chemie, Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové, Universita Karlova v Praze, Hradec Králové

Klíčová slova:

Angelica archangelica, suspenzní kultura, růst, kumariny, elicitace, rtuť, sekvenční injekční analýza


Elicitation is one of the methods for stimulation of secondary metabolism in plant cell cultures. The present study tested HgCl2 solutions (0.5-100 μM) as an elicitor of the production of coumarins in angelica cell cultures. The HgCl2 toxicity was examined by evaluating its effect on cell growth (characterized by fresh and dry biomass at the end of a two-week subculture). Cultivations were performed in the dark or in light. The content of coumarins was determined fluorometrically by sequential injection analysis. The culture growth was not adversely affected by Hg concentrations up to 50 μM; the 100 μM concentration was lethal, independently of light conditions. HgCl2 stimulated production of coumarins. In the dark, the amount of coumarins in the medium increased with increasing Hg concentrations up to 20 μM (the coumarin contents in the medium increased by 70 % compared with control) while it was not influenced in cultured cells. In light, HgCl2 enhanced accumulation of coumarins both in the medium and cells; the highest yields were obtained at a Hg concentration of 20 μM. The content of coumarins increased by 62 % and 44 % in the medium and in cells, respectively.




Jak citovat

Siatka, T., Sklenářová, H., Kašparová, M., & Solich, P. (2011). Vliv chloridu rtuťnatého na produkci kumarinů v suspenzní kultuře Angelica archangelica L. Chemické Listy, 105(5), 367–370. Získáno z http://ww.w.chemicke-listy.cz/ojs3/index.php/chemicke-listy/article/view/1141




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