Imunochemická detekce rodu Cronobacter
Klíčová slova:
Cronobacter, Enterobacter sakazakii, ELISA, enzymová imunoanalýza, LFIA, imunochromatografieAbstrakt
Both immunochemical methods, sandwich ELISA and immunochromatographic detection, for detection of genus Cronobacter, have been developed. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies against dead cells of Cronobacter sakazakii Cb03 (ATCC 29544) were used. In tests of bacteria cultures from microbial collection, the ELISA distinguished between all assessed Cronobacter and Enterobacter strains. The immunochromatographic technique provided false negative results for 20 % of Cronobacter strains, and 40 % false positive results for Enterobacter strains.