Vplyv probiotickej kultúry Lactobacillus casei a inulínu na fyzikálno-chemické a senzorické ukazovatele fermentovaného mäsového výrobku
Klíčová slova:
probiotická kultúra, štartovacia kultúra, inulín, mäso, fermentáciaAbstrakt
The effect of the addition of the probiotic culture of Lactobacillus casei and the starter culture in combination with inulin on the physico-chemical and sensory properties of the fast fermented meat product Farmer's Sausage was determined. The physico-chemical properties of the products were evaluated after 5, 15, and 30 days of ageing and after extra 15 days of storage, that is, after a total of 45 days . A sensory evaluation of fermented meat products was done after 30 and 45 days of ageing and storage. The addition of the probiotic culture caused a decrease of pH value comparable with that caused by the addition of starter culture. During the whole ageing process and storage period, water activity values in all examined samples gradually dropped to 0.82±0.02. In products with probiotic culture and inulin, an increase of the red color intensity was observed after 45 days of ageing and storage. After 30 and 45 days of ageing and storage, the products with added the starter culture and inulin were evaluated as having the highest firmness (P<0.05), as compared to other evaluated products. By the sensory analysis, the products with the probiotic and starter cultures combined with inulin were evaluated as the most preferable.