Stanovení syntetických kathinonů v biologických vzorcích moderními separačními a elektrochemickými metodami
Článek je věnován 70. výročí založení Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze
DOI:íčová slova:
syntetické kathinony, biologické vzorky, separace, elektrochemieAbstrakt
Synthetic cathinones represent one of the main groups of new psychoactive substances. The variety and rapid distribution of the synthetic cathinones on the drug market can be explained by an easy modification of their structure and the insufficient legislation. This fact requires the development of new selective and effective analytical methods for monitoring the synthetic cathinone in biological samples. This report summarizes the current knowledge concerning the identification of synthetic cathinones, including their structure and effects. Separation methods are the most widely used techniques for the analysis of synthetic cathinones in biological samples. The development of the sensor systems based on electrochemical principles can be a great contribution for forensic analysis in the future.