Využití biologické nitrifikace pro odstranění amoniakálního dusíku z důlních vod
Klíčová slova:
nitrifikace, nitrifikační bakterie, amoniakální dusík, dusitany, dusičnany, důlní vodaAbstrakt
Mine waters contains high concentrations of ammonia nitrogen (Nam), sulfates, Fe and Mn. Their concentrations must be decreased before release to surface waters. This work is aimed at removing Nam by biological oxidation (nitrification). The total efficiency of the removal for the initial concentrations 10–11 mg L–1 Nam was ca. 86 %, both with and without using biomass carrier. The reaction time was 15 h. The nitrification bacteria in mine waters were monitored by the FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) method. Of ammonia oxidation bacteria, Betaproteobacteria were detected. The Nitrospira bacteria predominated in nitrite oxidation. Genus Nitrobacter was not detected in this process.