Vztah metabolismu a signálních funkcí oxidu dusnatého a polyaminů v rostlinách
Klíčová slova:
polyaminy, oxid dusnatý, ʟ-arginin, ʟ-ornithin, hypersensitivní reakce, nitrátreduktasa, NO synthasaAbstrakt
This review summarizes the current knowledge of metabolism and function of polyamines and signalling molecules of NO in plants. Polyamines (PA) interact with polyanionic biomolecules such as DNA or some proteins and appear to be involved in a wide range of plant processes. Despite their significance, the polyamine-dependent signal transducer system has not yet been found. It has been shown that PA induce NO biosynthesis in plants. PA seem to be mediators in pathogen defence, abiotic stresses and senescence.