Orodispergovatelné filmy, technologie jejich výroby a specifické pomocné látky pro přípravu
Klíčová slova:
orodispergovatelné filmy, metoda odpařování rozpouštědla, extruze taveniny, filmotvorné polymery, plastifikátory, sladidla, chuťová korigencia, stimulátory tvorby slinAbstrakt
Orodispersible films represent a modern fast dissolving dosage form. They are commonly referred to as a thin flexible film that readily dissolves or disperses in the oral cavity. To apply this innovative drug delivery system, no water or swallowing is needed. Furthermore, they provide a rapid onset of action and can enhance compliance of specific patient groups (especially paediatric and geriatric). Manufacturing the orodispersible films is a flexible process. At present, solvent-casting technique and hot-melt extrusion are methods of choice. Main constitutive excipients are film-forming polymers. Other basic excipients are plasticizers and, in many cases, taste and smell masking substances. Orodispersible films are nowadays available on the market and, in the future, they will undoubtedly compete with orodispersible tablets.