Chromatographic Analysis of Naphthoquinones in Plants
The aim of the work was to optimize the high performance liquid chromatography coupled with a diode array detector for the determination of naphthoquinones (1,4-naphthoquinone, lawsone; juglone and plumbagin). The optimal conditions were: mobile phase 0.1 mol l-1 acetic acid – methanol (35 : 65 v/v), flow rate 0.8 ml min-1, column and detector temperature 40 °C. Detection limits (3 S/N) were 65 ng ml-1, 50 ng ml-1, 75 ng ml-1 and 39 ng ml-1 for lawsone, 1,4-naph¬tho¬qui¬none, juglone and plumbagin, respectively. The optimized method was used for the determination of the mentioned naphthoquinones in plants (Dionaea muscipula, Drosera rotundifolia, Drosera spathulata, Drosera capensis and Paulownia tomentosa).Stahování
Jak citovat
Babula, P., Mikelová, R., Adam, V., Potěšil, D., Zehnálek, J., Kizek, R., Havel, L., & Sladký, Z. (2006). Chromatographic Analysis of Naphthoquinones in Plants. Chemické Listy, 100(4). Získáno z