Štúdium imobilizovanej a extracelulárnej dipeptidylpeptidázy IV Chelidonium majus
Klíčová slova:
imobilizácia, distribúcia, serínová proteáza, dipeptidylpeptidáza IV, Chelidonium majus L.Abstrakt
Cells in suspension culture of celandine (Chelidonium maius L.) were permeabilized with Tween 80 and immobilized with glutaraldehyde, alginate or pectinate. Glutaraldehyde-immobilized celandine cells lost their viability. Celandine cells immobilized with pectinate or alginate have retained the high activity of dipeptidylpeptidase (DP) IV/CD 26 with a pH optimum at 7.8. The immobilized cells showed a good activity, fair stability and convenient physicomechanical properties. The extracellular activity of DP IV/CD 26 estimated in cell suspension accounts for 82.2 % of the total activity the rest being due to the intracellular activity. The latter activity is 1.87 times higher than the extracellular one. Secretion of DP IV/CD 26 by root tips, root hairs, callus and suspension cells was detected histologically. The method permits a rapid, simple and specific identification of DP IV/CD 26.