A Study of The Molten Globule State of Cytochrome C by Viscometry


  • M. Stupák Department of Medicinal and Clinical Biochemistry and Labmed, Co., Faculty of Medicine, Košice, Slovakia
  • M. Antalík Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Natural Science, P. J. Šafárik University, Košice, Slovakia | Depatment of Biophysics, Institute of Experimental Physics of Slovak Acadamy of Sciences, Košice, Slovakia


molten globular, cytochrome c, viscometer


Combination of viscometry and CD spectrometry made it possible to suggest the existence of a new conformational state of cytochrome c at high temperatures and ionic strengths. The molten globule state of cytochrome c was found at acidic pH in the presence of high concentrations of a salt at 20 °C. A low-cooperative conformational change of the cytochrome c to the unfolded state was observed with increasing temperature. Viscometry is a suitable tool for studies of similar processes in biomacromolecules.



How to Cite

Stupák, M., & Antalík, M. (2013). A Study of The Molten Globule State of Cytochrome C by Viscometry. Chemické Listy, 107(12), 969–972. Retrieved from http://ww.w.chemicke-listy.cz/ojs3/index.php/chemicke-listy/article/view/592


