Cordyceps sinensis: liečivá huba čínskej medicíny


  • L. Ungvarská Maľučká Ústav farmaceutickej chémie, Katedra chémie, biochémie a biofyziky, Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach, Košice, Slovensko
  • Z. Bedlovičová Ústav farmaceutickej chémie, Katedra chémie, biochémie a biofyziky, Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach, Košice, Slovensko
  • J. Harvanová Ústav farmaceutickej chémie, Katedra chémie, biochémie a biofyziky, Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach, Košice, Slovensko

Klíčová slova:

Cordyceps sinensis, biologický účinok, polysacharidy, nukleozidy, aminokyseliny, steroly


The paper gives a brief overview of a diverse group of chemical compounds present in the parasitic fungus called Cordyceps sinensis. It focuses on the description of their chemical structure and their positive biological effects on the human body. Some of the key biological activities of Cordyceps sinensis are discussed: It helps to prevent hyperglycemia, supports heart function, decreases the level of cholesterol, supports the immune system, selectively inhibits the synthesis of RNA in cancer cells through disturbing the synthesis of some proteins, inhibits the methylation of the nucleic acid, proves to be a powerful antioxidant, protects kidneys from damage, acts as an antibiotic showing a bacteriostatic effect against several pathogenic bacteria, including pneumococci, streptococci and Staphylococcus aureus, as well as anti-inflammatory effects, improves sexual performance, acts as an aphrodisiac, and many more others.




Jak citovat

Ungvarská Maľučká, L., Bedlovičová, Z., & Harvanová, J. (2017). Cordyceps sinensis: liečivá huba čínskej medicíny. Chemické Listy, 111(1), 35–40. Získáno z




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