Effect of Amino Acids Produced by Phytoplancton on Water Treatment and Their Adsorption onto Activated Carbon


  • L. Čermáková Institute of Hydrodynamics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague | Institute for Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Prague
  • L. Pivokonská Institute of Hydrodynamics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
  • I. Kopecká Institute of Hydrodynamics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
  • M. Pivokonský Institute of Hydrodynamics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague | Institute for Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Prague
  • V. Janda Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague


activated carbon, adsorption, algal organic matter, amino acids


The paper deals with the influence of amino acids (AAs) from algal organic matter (AOM) on the water treatment process and with their adsorption onto activated carbon (AC). The structure of the molecule, especially the character of functional groups in the chain, plays the most important role in the adsorption of AOM AAs. In terms of the nature of the solution, adsorption is affected especially by pH and ionic strength (IS). The largest adsorption capacities for a particular AA are achieved under conditions, where the molecules of AAs carry a charge opposite to the AC surface and, therefore, attractive electrostatic forces between the AC and AOM AAs can manifest themselves. Furthermore, the hydrophobic interactions are applied in the adsorption of neutral AAs with hydrophobic chain. Depending on the conditions, an increase of IS can significantly reduce the adsorption efficiency or have no effect.



How to Cite

Čermáková, L., Pivokonská, L., Kopecká, I., Pivokonský, M., & Janda, V. (2016). Effect of Amino Acids Produced by Phytoplancton on Water Treatment and Their Adsorption onto Activated Carbon. Chemické Listy, 110(6), 418–423. Retrieved from http://ww.w.chemicke-listy.cz/ojs3/index.php/chemicke-listy/article/view/190




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