Fully Automated Isolation of Proteins Binding Zn from Staphylococcus aureus Cells Using Paramagnetic Particles


  • E. Jílková Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of AgriSciences, Mendel University, Brno
  • S. Křížková Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of AgriSciences, Mendel University, Brno | Central European Institute of Technology, University of Technology, Brno
  • L. Krejčová Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of AgriSciences, Mendel University, Brno
  • D. Hynek Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of AgriSciences, Mendel University, Brno | Central European Institute of Technology, University of Technology, Brno
  • J. Sochor Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of AgriSciences, Mendel University, Brno | Central European Institute of Technology, University of Technology, Brno
  • J. Kynický Central European Institute of Technology, University of Technology, Brno | Department of Geology and Pedology, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University, Brno
  • V. Adam Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of AgriSciences, Mendel University, Brno | Central European Institute of Technology, University of Technology, Brno
  • R. Kizek Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of AgriSciences, Mendel University, Brno | Central European Institute of Technology, University of Technology, Brno


magnetic nanoparticles, Staphylococcus aureus, automation, zinc


Immunomagnetic separation of pathogenic micro­organisms opens new prospects of rapid and precise diagnosis. We focused our attention to separation of Staphylococcus aureus using paramagnetic particles as well as differential pulse voltammetry of Zn2+ in the Zn-treated bacteria.



How to Cite

Jílková, E., Křížková, S., Krejčová, L., Hynek, D., Sochor, J., Kynický, J., Adam, V., & Kizek, R. (2013). Fully Automated Isolation of Proteins Binding Zn from Staphylococcus aureus Cells Using Paramagnetic Particles. Chemické Listy, 107(8), 648–654. Retrieved from http://ww.w.chemicke-listy.cz/ojs3/index.php/chemicke-listy/article/view/632




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