1,3,5-Trinitro-1,3,5-triazinan – vlastnosti, dekontaminácia a analytické metódy na jeho stanovenie


  • Ľ. Švorc Ústav analytickej chémie, Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie, Slovenská Technická univerzita v Bratislave, Bratislava, Slovensko

Klíčová slova:

RDX, stabilita, trhavina, dekontaminácia, stanovenie, separačné metódy


The title compound is a modern military explosive. It is a toxic substance with a lower chemical stability compared with highly stable polynitroarenes. Its use is closely associated with adverse environmental effects in contamination of soils and surface waters. Its presence in drinking water may affect the central nervous system. Therefore its rapid, selective and sensitive detection as well as  decontamination is of great impotance. This review summarizes the decontamination methods and analytical techniques used in its  determination in different matrices. The effective way of decontamination is direct capture by plants. This method is an alternative to the methods used previously. Selection of suitable separation and analytical methods must take into account the limited thermal stability and low vapor pressure of the compound. Spectral and electrochemical me­thods.are most widely used for the purpose.




Jak citovat

Švorc, Ľ. (2012). 1,3,5-Trinitro-1,3,5-triazinan – vlastnosti, dekontaminácia a analytické metódy na jeho stanovenie. Chemické Listy, 106(2), 88–94. Získáno z http://ww.w.chemicke-listy.cz/ojs3/index.php/chemicke-listy/article/view/994




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