Biodegradation and Bioremediation of Pentachlorophenol (PCP)


  • K. Dercova Department of Biochemical Technology, Slovak University od Technology, Bratislava,
  • Z. Kyseľova Department of Biochemical Technology, Slovak University od Technology, Bratislava,
  • G. Barancikova Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute, Presov, Slovak Republic
  • Z. Sejakova Department of Biochemical Technology, Slovak University od Technology, Bratislava,
  • A. Maľova Department of Biochemical Technology, Slovak University od Technology, Bratislava,


PCP has been widely used in a number of industrial applications. As a consequence of its intensive use and due to the stability of its molecule, it has become a progressively widespread contaminant in soil, sediments and landfills. Because classical remediation technologies (incineration, etc.) are generally non-ecological and non-economical, alternative methods involving biodegradation by microbial populations have been developed. The two known pathways of biodegradation (oxidative and reductive), as well as factors affecting PCP degradation by microbial strains, are reviewed here. Also, different suggested bioremediation strategies and those recently developed are outlined.



How to Cite

Dercova, K., Kyseľova, Z., Barancikova, G., Sejakova, Z., & Maľova, A. (2003). Biodegradation and Bioremediation of Pentachlorophenol (PCP). Chemické Listy, 97(10). Retrieved from




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